STARTUP.INFO talked to Katja Peter of MOKSHAMAN about the swiss based branding company, and she had the following to say:

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Katja Peter: Honestly, I feel ridiculously healthy while the world seems to go crazy. I was traveling a bit and was never afraid of microbes, yet caution is required in this case. I was quite happy that I did start my online shop in 2019, so I was able to make a living without leaving the house. But if you have to homeschool teenagers while doing online business, it can get pretty exhausting after a while. I wished that the responsible authorities showed life – while 8 hours-, how this really works out in detail. Yet my son was very happy, the dream came true, schools are closed – fun time! 

Tell us about you, your career, how you founded MOKSHAMAN. 

Katja Peter: I consider myself an adventurous free spirit, doomed to binge create every single day. As a kid, I was really into drawing, colours and believed in magic, especially when I observed nature. I studied graphic design in Switzerland and soon developed my passion for branding. VISUAL DOPE® spearheaded well-known Branding Systems for decades, and I still love remarkable visuals. With VISUAL DOPE®, I did create so many brands for others that I couldn’t resist doing my own brand, so MOKSHAMAN was born. “Moksha “means “men achieve their potential of excellence, “and a Shaman is kind of a magic pilot in an expansive inner dimension.  

How does MOKSHAMAN innovate? 

Katja Peter: I guess I could use some additional marketing skills, lol! Anyone out there interested to join? Our love-it or leave-it attitude is an important part of MOKSHAMAN’s philosophy. We have such a rich supply of new ideas and design solutions that, in turn, transform products due to our ceaseless rejuvenation of creativity and endless cycle of freshness and renewal. As a conceptual and visionary leader, I am constantly striving to give form to new approaches to products, reflecting that the mainstays of any creative industry are ideas and experimentation. The warm-hearted yet sassy appeal of my work is hopefully sublime, and many of MOKSHAMAN’s customers attest to the happy-go-lucky-attitude of our products. 

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping? 

Katja Peter: It affects my business on one side in a very positive way: People are at home and want to work out with comfy clothes and are getting used to online shopping. They hang out on social media and seek spiritual advice in a technocratic AI domineering world. On the other hand, you can’t hook up with your tribe in real life; this leads to a shift in the virtual world ‚cause we need to stay connected; we are still humans, no? Making new connections is less possible or with a lower impact. Solid foundations in regards to relationships are important; I don’t regret having built them earlier on… 

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Katja Peter: Of course, you have to get informed what the tendencies are in regards to the international money market. No one wants to lose hard-earned money in inflation. Depths can be deadly, maybe deadlier than a microbe. I made an investment in certain materials, but mostly in knowledge. If you dig deeper into specific topics, you might be better off. Forewarned is forearmed. My point of view is built on personal experiences. I was raised without TV, and I had a lot of time to observe my environment and to think and act for myself. We should share more insights and experiences and less opinions. So I am very grateful for this opportunity to speak out. 

What specific tools, software, and management skills are helping you navigate the crisis? 

Katja Peter: I was used to managing people for decades. You can’t manage others if you did not ever learn to manage yourself. It means getting up early, doing it better than yesterday, and learn to work smarter, not harder. Invest in your health, move your body – yes, every day – your wealth is in your health! Besides my daily short yoga routine, I play a little bit of piano and drums. It is important to not stagnate and nourish not only your body yet your mind & soul. We all contain a lot of water, and we know what happens to water without changing, e.g., in a vase of flowers? It turns really bad after some days… 

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game? 

Katja Peter: Competitors are plenty and none. There are loads of athleisure brands, but none has my style. I invest a lot in the lovely illustrations and colour combinations. The philosophical side is very important, too; this is why I post regularly on Insta with memes. What you believe you become. This is called epigenetics, a really interesting topic! How to stay in the game? Constantly coming up with new collections! I am collaborating with a great 3D Artist, Lyn Edwards, based in Denver, Colorado; she is able to show athleisure wear in a very appealing manner ( I am currently working on the “jazzy splashy sassy collection “for the amazing Jazz Singer COCO ZHAO, based between Shanghai & Amsterdam ( It’s about collaboration. Yet you always have to be strong on your own, too. Collab, as well as independence, are key.

Your final thoughts?

Katja Peter: I think it is important to find a balance between pursuing mid-and long-term goals without losing momentum and joy in the present moment. I try not to postpone too much in the future, who knows, you might never reach it… Every day should feel as round as possible. Don’t burn the candles at both ends, yet give everything. Kind of “relaxed on steroids “? In any case, humour should be the last item pushed from the shelf. Even dwarfs started out small! 

Your website? 
